Digital think tank in the field of migration

The European Center for Migration Studies (ECMS) is a scientific think tank unit of the Institute for European and Globalization Studies ( ECMS was founded on December 31, 2023, in Zagreb.

The founder is Prof. Anđelko Milardović, PhD ( who has been engaged in scientific research on migration for over thirty years. He led the international scientific project Globalization of Migration ( Prof. Milardović currently teaches migration theory at the Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Department of Demography. He is the author of several books in the field of sociology of migration and the initiator of ECMS.


ECMS was launched now when it has been universally acknowledged that the issues of demography and migration are pivotal for the survival of Europe and Croatia and that such issues require a scientific interdisciplinary approach. Migration is, therefore, a Hamletian dilemma for Europe.

In terms of migration, the European continent found itself at a crossroads in 2023.

The founding of the European Center for Migration Studies (ECMS) comes at a time when both Europe and the Republic of Croatia are at a crossroads. Migration, as Josep Borrell, the head of EU diplomacy, recently stated, could be a “dissolving force for the European Union”.

Europe currently finds itself at a crossroads also because of its demographic deficit. The demographic deficit was caused by changes in values at the sociocultural level. Depopulation affected the lack of labor without which the economy cannot function. Europe is forced to import foreign workers.

Europe is faced with waves of illegal migration and two migrant crises: in 2015 ( and in 2022 after the Russian aggression against Ukraine (

The first big migrant wave towards Europe used the Mediterranean (and Balkan) route, and the second from Ukraine to Europe was conditioned by Russian aggression against Ukraine. These are different routes, as can be seen from this infographic (

The aforementioned processes will greatly influence the transformation of the sociocultural identity and demographic structure of Europe and Croatia, which are threatened by demographic collapse in the long term. On the other hand, the issue of integration of foreigners arises. Europe has failed in this field. Parallel societies are proof (

There are open lines of conflict around migration in all European societies. Over time, anti-immigrant parties of right-wing populist provenance became prominent as a result of these conflict lines ( For right-wing populists in Europe, migration is the main topic of their political activities.

The European Union is trying to create a common migration policy. (EU migration and asylum policy – It is impossible because each nation-state/member has its own national migration policy.

In relation to the complexity of migration, it is necessary to manage migration (, a part of which is the management of illegal migration (

The relevant document is the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (

Regarding migration in the 21st century, Europe is divided between “cosmopolitan” and “fortress Europe”. In the long term, Europe is threatened by a demographic collapse and a change in identity.

Croatia, as a member of the EU, is for the first time facing a larger influx of migrants, conflict lines around migration, and several important problems:

First, Croatia does not have a long-term demographic and migration policy because these policies are currently planned for a four-year period, i.e. the duration of a government term.

Second, the current migration policy of the Republic of Croatia is anarcho-capitalist. The logic of the market and capital dictates the import of cheap labor, which lowers the wages of Croatian workers. The latter are forced to emigrate.

Third, members of Asian cultures will find it difficult to integrate unless they master the Croatian language and accept the laws of the Republic of Croatia. If they do accept them, all the better. If they do not accept them, Croatia will face a parallel society, with which it will not be able to cope so easily, just as Germany failed. The local “rulers” don’t want to think about that. They don’t even care! Give us everything immediately, who cares about tomorrow, we won’t be there anymore! That’s how they think!

As for the Republic of Croatia, it is currently in the process of population replacement. All previous public policies, from 1991 up until now, are to be considered as failed public policies. The consequences are the mass emigration of the most educated and youngest reproductively capable part of the population, about 400,000 individuals, and the mass importation of unqualified labor from Asian cultures to replace the emigrants. In the future, we can have the Croatian-Nepalese party as a new major coalition partner of the HDZ. It will be a great contribution of the HDZ in strengthening Europe as Eurasia.

Croatia could experience a demographic collapse by 2050 and disappear in the next fifty years. In the long run it will be a disappearing state. For what? Because of the greed, egoism, corruption, and criminality of its political elites who will finish it off. These “elites”, or as Radić would say, “corrupt gentlemen” or the new Glembay gentlemen, privatized and colonized the state, turning it into their private property and self-service. Croatia is a captive country in which democracy is simulated and interest groups rule.

The biggest victim of the captured, privatized, and colonized state is the young population that fights against those who stole its time.

Young people are sacrificed because of the greed and egoism of the ruling HDZ-SDP oligarchy, which is kept in power by electoral engineering. This model, along with the simulation of democracy, (,798.html) blocks any possible system change in the long term, ensuring the status quo for a callous and corrupt political oligarchy.

In addition, by corrupting the retired population with public money, for electoral purposes, both the government and the pensioners block any possibility of change. The government bribes pensioners with public money to get their votes. Pensioners vote because of the crumbs they get; they block changes and their own children and grandchildren that are sacrificed for some crumbs on the table. And that’s where the circle of possible changes closes! We are all in the mousetrap of the ruling oligarchy! There is no escape for us! Because we are prisoners of this kind of mousetrap.

A few more thoughts on young people in a captive county

Young people can’t get a job without party cards, they can’t get a loan. They can’t rent an apartment, neither can they buy one because of inflated prices in the real estate market. They have no right to a piece of their own space in their homeland, which is the only thing left to the Republic of Croatia. And that space is being sold off, devastated, it is disappearing.

What is then left for young people? First, to stay and fight against the thieves/thugs who stole their time and existence. Second, flee and never come back. And thirdly, in a figurative sense, to hang themselves from pain and sadness. Young people want answers: why are we being sacrificed? Which government in the last 30 years can answer this question?

All these processes, as well as the victims of the captured, privatized, and colonized Republic of Croatia, together with the demographic breakdown, the disappearance of the Republic of Croatia in the long term are being calmly observed by the ruling, callous political and economic oligarchy (the rulers of money), and by a large portion of the population, although the majority are aware that the country is run badly and that we are sinking, much like the Titanic. 

Music is playing, there is dancing and singing! The fiery tongues of the “spectacle civilization” (Mario Vargas Llosa) are slowly suffocating creativity, producing only entertainment. Champagne is poured, the ship is sinking, and the end is accepted as something normal, as fate – amor fati. From the point of view of political psychopathology, this is a sick society. Decadence as a normal state?! Pure failure!

Given all the above, a scientific discourse on the topic of migration research is needed, a multidisciplinary monitoring of global migration processes in the 21st century.

Multidimensionality of migration: epistemological frame

I.                   Sociology of migration

II.                Cultural/political anthropology and migration


III.             Political theories of migration

IV.              Philosophy/ethics of migration

A. Basic notions

A. Identity and discussions on identity in the context of migration


A. Migration policy

A. Other

B. Theories



B. Multiculturalism

B. Migration and border management

B. Foreigner

C.Methodological nationalism and cosmopolitism in the study of migration

C. Interculturalism

C. Conflict lines on migration in Europe and the formation of anti-immigration parties

C. Xenophobia

D. Typology of migration with a particular emphasis on climate migration

D. Identity in the ideology of the New Right in Europe in relation to migration

D. Migration in the ideology of the New Right and right-wing populism

D. Refugees and an ethical and political problem

E. Migration models

E. Culture wars because of migration

E. EU and refugee crises in 2015. And 2023. (because of the war in Ukraine)

E. Europe as a fortress or as a cosmopolitan continent

F. Global migration and the globalization of migration, migration during the Covid pandemic with a focus on Europe

F. Globalization of culture and migration

F. Demography, migration in an Eu on the crossroads. Is a demographic breakdown on Europe possible?

F. Global ethics and migration

Anđelko Milardović, October 2023.

ECMS’ mission, as a digital think tank, is to systematically study and monitor migration processes at the global level, the EU level and in the Republic of Croatia in the era of global migration. Moreover, it is ECMS’ stated mission to try to influence decision makers and the media to shape migration policy and a critical attitude towards migration.

  • ECMS’ sees itself as an interdisciplinary center for migration studies in the Republic of Croatia with the idea of addressing, systematically and following the path of phenomenological sociology, all the different aspects of migration including its multilayered dimensions such as the sociological, cultural-anthropological, political, and philosophical-ethical dimensions, to name a few. The identity, activities, and institutional design of the ECMS will be based on foundations and values of Western civilization and liberal democracy.

  • Scientific interpretation of migration as a complex phenomenon
  • Education in the field of migration
  • Publication of scientific studies/books
  • Publication of various policy documents in the field of migration at the level of the EU and Croatia
  • Publication of strategies in the field of demography and migration
  • Participation in the development of migration policies
  • Influence on decision makers in the area of migration
  • Influencing the media to spread ECMS’ mission and vision
  • Scientific conferences
  • Public discussions
  • Forums
  • Public lectures
  • Workshops
  • Scientific publications
  • Media presence (interviews, comments, reviews on the topic of migration)
  • Blogs
    1. Basic concepts of demography and migration
    2. Glossary of Demographic Terms

    1. Key Migration Terms


    1. Demography and migration portals
    2. Demos Migrant Portal (DMP)

    1. Migration Data Portal

    1. Environmental Migration Portal

    1. Migration Research Hub

    1. Global migrations

    Key facts about recent trends in global migration


    1. Atlases of demography and migration
    2. Atlas of Demography

    1. Atlas of Migration

    1. – What is the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum? | International Rescue Committee (IRC)

      – New Pact on Migration and Asylum – European Commission

      – Background documents – European Commission

      – EU migration and asylum policy – Consilium

      – Migration and Asylum Package: New Pact on Migration and Asylum documents adopted on 23 September 2020 – European Commission

      – Migration data sources

      – Top 10 Migration Issues of 2023 |

      – United Nations Documents Related to Migration | IOM

      – Basic Documents on International Migration Law – Third Revised Edition | Brill

Mark J. Miller, Stephen Castles. The Age of Migration, 1993.


In order to gather its scientific team, ECMS invites experts in the field of demography and migration to join us as external collaborators.

You can send inquiries and applications to: or call: 00385 98 830 122.

Contact person: Prof. Anđelko Milardović, PhD, founder of ECMS

  • Own resources
  • Donations/grants
  • Sponsorships
  • Tenders for public money
  • We ask donors to help the work of ECMS with donations.

    Donations can be sent to this account: HR96 2340 0091 1108 72959

    All donors will be displayed on the list of donors.

    Thank you!

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